

Alfred Rzyski
Proud Scot, the world's most famous secret agent, knight, Oscar winner, successful bodybuilder: Sean Connery was everything. Today the legend would have celebrated his 92nd birthday. We remind.

“Above all, I want to be an old man with a good face, like Hitchcock or Picasso,” Sean Connery once said. He has achieved this goal in any case. But he also achieved so much more, because the son of a truck driver and a cleaning lady from Edinburgh put his foot down early on: after school, many part-time jobs and the Navy, he became Scottish bodybuilding champion. He even came third in the fight for the title “Mister Universe.
He soon became famous for his legendary role as the secret agent James Bond 007, which he first took on in 1962, chasing the villain Dr. No. Six more films followed as the mime of the world’s most famous secret agent. And many a ride in many a highly exclusive vehicle. In the role of James Bond, Connery logically relies on British makes, but in his private life he also drives a Porsche 356 1600.

“Above all, I want to be an old man with a good face, like Hitchcock or Picasso,” Sean Connery once said. He has achieved this goal in any case.


After his time as Bond, Connery then established himself as a character actor – as in “The Incorruptibles” or as the father of Indiana Jones. For his role in the former film, he receives his first and only Oscar in 1988. In 2000, he is knighted by the Queen, and in 2003, the “Sir” plays the last role of his career: as the novelist Allan Quatermain, he gives his derniere in “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Connery then withdraws from the public eye. One might think he was talking about himself in one of his most famous quotes:

“Some people age, others mature.”


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