Zoox, a startup developing self-driving cars, has met Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and thus received self-certification for its novel vehicle designed for pure autonomous driving. This allows these vehicles to be tested on public roads. The FMVSS are the American equivalent of the European ECE regulations. They describe minimum requirements for technical standards for parts and components of a vehicle.

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Zoox has carried out the so-called self-certification, which is the standard process of all registered vehicles in the USA. The Zoox vehicle itself contains neither a steering wheel nor any human-operated control unit for the vehicle, and thus no driver’s seat. The vehicle can drive off in either direction and seats four passengers facing each other on two two-seater benches. Alongside Nuro’s delivery robot, this marks the approval of the first vehicle to be developed specifically as an autonomous vehicle in the USA. Zoox plans to start test operations with these vehicles by 2023 at the latest, with test drives expected to begin in Las Vegas and San Francisco.